Enjoy waiting for

When you cheerfully into a restaurant, meet slow food, you can only shake the speed for; mbt kaya When you drive by a busy streets, meet the red light, you had to helplessly waiting. When you go shopping, buy a ticket, go to the agriculture bank do business, mbt lami it has already been queuing for earlier many people, you have to quiet waiting for it.

The people waiting for a kind of sense of worry, this kind of trouble containing the resentment of others, a life of impatience. Most of the time, we don't have no time to wait for,mbt lami birch not be to cannot continue to wait for, just because wait for bring us anxiety.

Do you think without waiting, the pace of you will go faster a little. Actually, also can reduce anxiety we walk the mood, mbt lami purple but can't make us reach their destinations more rapidly, sometimes but we further away from the destination!!!!!

Once upon a time, mbt m walk there was a young man with girlfriends. Because come too early, but he doesn't like to wait, so ChangXuDuanTan. Suddenly his face, there was an angel. mbt maliza The angel gave him something, a button, it can escape the all the waiting time.

Young people pressed the button, immediately girlfriend immediately appeared in front of him. mbt kaya If now marry soon. So he and press a button. Appeared in front of him is the grand wedding scene, he and his girlfriend on the red carpet. mbt maliza black If we now have the child, much good!!!!! And so, his ideas and realized.

His heart's desire to continue to advance realized. In one hour, wives, children, house, career has, however, see oneself, mbt maliza brown have the grave. He has been seeking the hurry to achieve their wishes, a lot of things have not enjoy had gone. At this time, he understand that in life, even if waiting, also be of great significance.

Par fantasy54 le dimanche 03 juillet 2011


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